Add and manage Bookmarks for your favorite locations

If you find a location that you absolutely love or visit often, it's best to save it for easy access. Bookmarks help you do that!

When you bookmark locations, you'll have a handy list of your bookmarks whenever you want to access a saved location. Your bookmarked locations can also act as a filter within the Community Activity Feed, allowing you to quickly check for any updates on your saved locations as well!

Select your platform below for more details on saving and managing your Bookmarks:

To Delete a Bookmark:

You can remove bookmarks from the Station Details (where you can add bookmarks) or from your Bookmarks page (where you can manage bookmarks). For more specific guidance on deleting a bookmark, please select the option above that meets your needs. We've left notes on bookmark removal within each section of this article based on your platform and where you're managing bookmarks.


Bookmark a location on Android

  1. Tap the map icon on the PlugShare map to open the mini Station Details window
  2. Tap the mini Station Details to have the full Station Details appear on a new window
  3. In the bottom right corner of the photo at the top of the page, you will see a bookmark icon. Tap to activate as a favorite.
  4. When the icon becomes blue, the location has been successfully added to your bookmarks
    • To remove the bookmark from the Station Details, tap the blue bookmark icon. This will also remove the location from your bookmark list.


Manage your location bookmarks on Android

Your Bookmarks page allows you to view all your bookmarked locations and quickly open the Station Details for any of your bookmarked locations. To find the Bookmarks page:

  1. From the landing page, select "Bookmarks" on the bottom of the screen
  2. Tap the charging location to view the full Station Details window
    • To remove the bookmark from your Bookmarks page, swipe left on the location to display a red "Delete" button. Tap "Delete" to successfully remove the location from your Bookmarks


Bookmark a location on iOS (Apple)

  1. Tap the map icon on the PlugShare map to open the mini station details window
  2. Tap the mini station details to have the full station information appear on a new window
  3. Near the bottom right corner of the photo at the top of the page, you will see a bookmark icon. Tap to activate as a favorite.
  4. When the icon becomes blue, the location has been successfully added to your bookmarks
    • To remove the bookmark from the Station Details, tap the blue bookmark icon. This will also remove the location from your bookmark list.


Manage your location bookmarks on iOS (Apple)

Your Bookmarks page allows you to view all your bookmarked locations and quickly open the Station Details for any of your bookmarked locations. To find the Bookmarks page:

  1. From the landing page, select "Bookmarks" on the bottom of the screen
  2. Tap the charging location to view the full Station Details window
    • To remove the bookmark from your Bookmarks page, swipe left on the location to display a red "Delete" button. Tap "Delete" and the location will be removed from your Bookmarks


Bookmark a location on the web (

  1. Open the full Station Details window via search or by tapping the Station Summary icon from the PlugShare map
  2. Select the blue "Bookmark" star within the Station Details window
  3. The star will appear yellow and read "Unbookmark" when you have successfully added the location to your bookmarks
    • To remove the bookmark from the Station Details, select "Unbookmark"


Manage your location bookmarks on the web (

At the top right of the PlugShare screen, you'll see your "Bookmarks" button.

  • When you click this button, a pop-up allows you to view all your bookmarked locations and quickly open the Station Details for any of your bookmarked locations.
  • To remove the bookmark from your Bookmarks pop-up, click the "X" to the right of the location name within the Bookmarks list.

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