Minimum Power Data and Filters

When we talk about a location's power data, we're effectively talking about how long it takes to charge a vehicle there. Generally, the more kilowatts (kW) a charger boasts, the faster it will charge your vehicle. Time spent charging is a huge factor in our community's decisions on where to charge, so we've been working to acquire and verify power level data of charging locations on the PlugShare map. With this data, we've added a few ways for users to determine what to expect at any location:

Note: You will not see these details if power data has not yet been verified in your region. We continue to work with international networks to access more official feeds, so we will continue rolling this out to other regions as we obtain the necessary power data information for charging locations around the world.


Viewing location power data

At a glance on a location view, you'll see the power levels at the top. If there's more than one plug with power data, it will display a kW range for the location:


When reviewing the "Plugs" section, you can see the breakdown of power levels by plug type:


When you select More Details, you will see the power levels of individual plugs:


Minimum Power filters

We have now enabled power filters for all regions throughout the world. This filter will narrow results on the PlugShare map to locations which maintain the minimum power you want to use for charging.

Note: When using the power filter, locations will only populate if they have been assigned a power level. By default, locations without a power level will default to zero (0). Please keep this in mind when looking for site.

Our editorial team is always looking for the latest details to apply to locations. If you wish to supply a power output to a site, you may Report the issue to our Customer Support to review.


Important tips for using Minimum Power filters:

  • When you set a Minimum Power filter, you will only see locations on the map which meet the minimum requirements.
    • Example: If you set it 50 kW, there will be stations with power levels >50
  • Keep in mind standard level 2 power levels within your region. Being slightly off could alter results in a major way
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